Monday, March 17, 2025

Hillary hits Sanders just where she should’ve

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In one of her most effective debates since the presidential campaign began, Hilary Clinton presented her highest debatable skills in last Thursday’s democratic debate against Bernie Sanders in Wisconsin. The ‘comeback’ came after her loss a week before in New Hampshire, that followed an effective tie in the state of Iowa.

Clinton criticisers has raised concerns regarding her failure to come up with a proper plea against Sanders, sometimes she had claimed his unbalanced policies towards issues like Health Insurance, gun control, and immigration, she sometimes claim his far-right policies towards cases, and other times she criticises his far-left approaches to certain cases.

Last Thursday’s debate, brought the best out of Clinton’s speaking skills, she had an organised reaction to every point Sanders had underlined, and gave one of the best economic driven reforming speeches, here we will give you a glimpse on bits of what Clinton had to say…

Clinton: We agree that we’ve got to get unaccountable money out of politics. We agree that Wall Street should never be allowed to wreck Main Street again. But here’s the point I want to make tonight. I am not a single issue candidate, and I do not believe we live in a single issue country.

I think that a lot of what we have to overcome to break down the barriers that are holding people back, whether it’s poison in the water of the children of Flint, or whether it’s the poor miners who are being left out and left behind in coal country, or whether it is any other American today who feels somehow put down and oppressed by racism, by sexism, by discrimination against the LGBT community, against the kind of efforts that need to be made to root out all of these barriers, that is what I want to take on.

And here in Wisconsin I want to reiterate, we’ve got to stand up for unions and working people who have been at the core of the American middle class and who are being attacked by ideologues, by demagogues. Yes, does Wall Street and big financial interests along with drug companies, insurance companies, big oil, all of it, have too much influence? You’re right.

But if we were to stop that tomorrow, we would still have the indifference, the negligence that we saw in Flint. We would still have racism holding people back. We would still have sexism preventing women from getting equal pay.We would still have LGBT people who get married on Saturday and get fired on Monday. And we would still have governors like Scott Walker and others trying to rip out the heart of the middle class by making it impossible to organise and stand up for better wages and working conditions.

So I’m going to keep talking about tearing down all the barriers that stand in the way of Americans fulfilling their potential because I don’t think our country can live up to its potential unless we give a chance to every single American to live up to theirs.

The debate ended with Clinton’s stakes scoring higher levels, smoothly beating her democratic fellow.


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