Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Unanimous UN resolution against terrorist state wallet

Must read

By khaled Amin

The United Nations Security Council has approved a resolution to raise economic sanctions against the terrorist state’s financial sources. The move came after tensions between major powers around the faith of the Syrian crisis mounted, as diplomatic talks showed signs of possible compromises.

The terrorist state holds different sources of income, beside taxes or Jizyah, smuggling, kidnap ransoms, drug trafficking, illegal sell of oil and antique trades, money laundry,  and foreign aid come as main suppliers for the so called «state». It has conquered key oil-fields in Syria, Iraq and Libya; it claimed large areas under its control, settled border lines, secured  its illegal businesses income, still we cannot accept it being called a state… most prominently, not an Islamic one by any mean.

UN’s decision focused the international community’s concerns to restrain the flow of supplies to the terrorist state, an exceptional finance ministers meeting chaired by US Secretary of Treasury Jack Lew, was held within the resolution’s frame work to put an end to the irrepressible mess. The meeting listed around 245 individuals and 74 companies linked to terrorist organisations in both Iraq and Syria, names on the list set to be banned from traveling, global assets would be frozen, in addition to many other effective sanctions all expected to dry-out terrorists capitals and cut-off foreign supplies.

The state illegally traded oil for more than $500m the past year, mostly sold in Turkish black markets as Russian President Vladimir Putin commented earlier last month after his warplane shutdown by Turkish air defence forces. Other analysts claim that the terrorist state benefits most from selling natural gas  to Al-Assad›s regime- as a new BBC documentary claimed. Jack Lew stated during the meeting, «the resolution is a critical step but the real test will be determined by actions we each take after adoption, we need meaningful implementation, co-ordination and enforcement from each country represented here, and many others.” Countries presented are the ones who are linked to names that had been put on the list, governments must co-operate to bust entities and businessmen under scrutiny of funding terrorism.

The international community had finally realised the alarming threat of terrorism, better late than never, global powers have reached common grounds to destabilise the terrorist state by cutting-off its funds. This only came after mass shoot-outs in the French capital and California alighted, after which the world started showing serious concerns about the dangers of the so called terrorist «state».

The terrorist state started off relatively well, it quickly took control over major oil fields which it professionally operated and successfully benefited from it outcomes. The Guardian reported earlier last year, in its report on the states oil empire: «The militants control around half a dozen oil-producing oil fields. They were quickly able to make them operational and then tapped into established trading networks across northern Iraq, where smuggling has been a fact of life for years. From early July until late October, most of this oil went to Iraqi Kurdistan. The self-proclaimed caliphate sold oil to Kurdish traders at a major discount. From Kurdistan, the oil was resold to Turkish and Iranian traders. These profits helped it pay its burgeoning wages bill: $500 (£320) a month for a fighter, and about $1,200 for a military commander.”

That was before US managed to raze some of the state’s oil fields in Iraq, yet terrorists managed to take control over oil fields in Syria as well to maintain their loss in revenue after US coalition strikes. All in all, the world needs to stand united against terrorism, if we play traditional politics of personal interests, we would never be able to destroy religious extremism and its terrorism phenomena.



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