Home World The 7th annual conference of the (ERC-RCOG) in collabouration with the...

The 7th annual conference of the (ERC-RCOG) in collabouration with the Egyptian UK Liaison group (ELG)


By: Amira Elhamy

On March 4th and 5th, the seventh annual international conference of the ERC- RCOG, International representative committee in Egypt, was held in Cairo, in Sonesta Hotel.

The conference was held under the theme of “Bringing to life the best in women’s health care from Egypt and the UK.” The conference welcomed Obstetrics and Gynaecology doctors and those who are interested to improve women’s health in Egypt to enjoy the diverse scientific and educational programmes offered by the conference. The conference note focused on empowering, educating and influencing women’s health in Egypt.

In a special statement to MEO, Dr. Amr El Noury, ERC-RCOG Chairman, and Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Infertility & Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Women (London) & Fellow Royal College of Surgeons ( Edinburgh ) & Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, he explained that the aim, behind this yearly conference, is to foster the scientific research between Egypt and the UK; the committee of the conference included 106 doctors; the conference also presented several speakers coming from the United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain and Singapore. “The conference is also offering the medical scientific tests to Egyptian students who are planning to study in the UK”, said Dr. Noury.

Various topics related to women’s health were dealt with during the two days conference, including women’s fertility in Egypt, female sexual health, reproductive health, and effect of cancer treatments on female fertility. Conference panels included several professors and doctors from Egypt and the UK.

There is no doubt that such conferences strengthen the scientific research in Egypt, and it does foster establishing more exchanging programmes between Egypt and European countries.