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Youth and the road to the future


Throughout history from Mandela to Malala, young people have striven to bring about positive change to the world. Today we face various social, political and economic challenges, there is a need for leaders with vision, who dare to stand up and achieve there dreams. “Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders,” corrupt thoughts embedded in our older generation will reflect and negative ethical traits that will no doubt affect generations that follow.

Yet, showing respect to their noble qualities of religion and qualities of our culture and traditions of value will also be reflected in the generation of youth. Building up on their qualities of creativity and innovation, we will be able to equip them with the ammunition they need to face their future challenges. MEO interviewed some of the University students to know more about their thoughts and challenges they face.

Rania Fawzy, a Faculty of medicine student at MUST University, said “I have no time to think about my future” due to the load of studies, we need to practice at least part of what we study in a manner that enables us to interact with the variable aspects of our community in order to be connect between our studies and real life, it is by facing these challenges in real life that we can develop creative solutions. She also stated that education is too theoretical and that it should be easier starting from the primary schools and onwards to allow more space for other mental and physical activities.

Ehab Alouba, a faculty of mass communication student at the Canadian University, said that studying in the University is theoretical, I like to work in the field. We need more practical education to have experience related to our studies. I hope if youth can share in the creativity programmes for developing our country in all fields; through Conferences, Round Tables, sharing in community’s projects, meeting with people from all over the world who share our common interests and goals.

Dina Ahmed, a faculty of arts student at the MSA University, said, “My field of study is good but I do not like it, all what I did is study to succeed and to end my University with a degree based on my family’s choice.” She added; “I have the talent to be an actress and I want to study this field, but my family did not accept this field. I was not free to take a decision about my future and so my sharing in the future is argumentative. I think we should be free to choose our career, because it will be more suitable for our talents, desires and to unleash our creativity.”

The future generation should be respected due to this positive outlook, they are clear on there visions, they want practice and experience, they want to share in building an innovative and creative society, they only need the tools customised, not to Asia or the States, customised to maximising their potential. Youth have the chance to be more creative through technology, to increase their efficiency and access the world and creating new opportunities, finding solutions to their problems, youth should have access to the open world and learn how to use the power of technology and face its dangerous cobwebs.

The power of youth development is Urgently needed within this phase. We need to start injecting higher education with soft skills, integrated programmes between universities and private companies for summer training programmes to develop their skills, evaluation and measurement of student skills in practical life should be highly rewarded and reflected on their scores and integrate them in national programmes to exchange thoughts and arguments. Our generation of youth grows annually at a pace that can yield Egypt, an accountable, career oriented and cultured citizen. Injecting Universities with the needed ethicalism and business qualities is essential to equip them for their future.