Monday, March 3, 2025

Are you having a Bloated Belly?

Must read

By Dr Ingy Hashad

Stomach bloating is so common these days it’s been called an “epidemic.” With most people’s poor diets, high levels of stress, need for daily medications and exposure to various pollutants, it’s no wonder they’re suffering some sort of bloating more days than not.

Whether it’s a bout of holiday tummy, heartburn after a heavy meal or just occasionally feeling bloated, digestive trouble is one of the top five reasons we visit our doctor.

Figures show 70% of people suffer regularly from bloated belly but research by the Wholefgrain Goodness campaign last year suggested almost half of us aren’t comfortable talking about our belly and bowel health, which can mean we delay getting help and relief.


Symptoms of a bloated stomach:

1- Constipation

This might be the most obvious reason you have a bloated stomach. Constipation can cause stool to remain in the intestines, leaving you with a hard-feeling stomach, pain, discomfort and gas.

2-  Lactose intolerance

Lactose Intolerance is the inability to break down a type of natural sugar called lactose. Lactose is commonly found in dairy products, such as milk and yogurt.

3- Premenstrual Syndrome

PMS is known to cause a bloated stomach and digestive issues, since it makes you prone to constipation and fluid retention. This is common and not too much of a concern unless you notice other serious symptoms like an irregular menstrual cycle, fibroids or severe cramping. Normally when a woman has her period, she experiences shedding of the excess fluid, tissue and blood, which usually results in the bloating going away.

4- You eat too fast

The pace of life has us all in a hurry, but if that leaves you wolfing down your   meals, be warned: besides food, you’re also swallowing gas-producing air, which balloons your belly.

5- You drink through a straw

Fruit smoothies are designed to be seeped through a straw. But as convenient as straws are, they force you to suck in lots of extra air, and that makes you feel like an inflatable ball.

6- Artificial sugars:

Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose hang around your stomach a long time because your system doesn’t digest them well or at all.

7- Celiac Disease
(Gluten Intolerance)

Celiac disease is a digestive disorder caused by an abnormal immune reaction to gluten. People with celiac disease eating gluten –containing food (most bread, pasta, cereals) will experience severe bloating.

8- You can’t give up your soda habit

The same tiny bubbles that give soda and sparkling water that bubbly sensation also cause your stomach to swell.

9- You eat dinner too close to bedtime

 Lying down impairs digestion, so if you hit the bed with food in your stomach, it won’t be broken down as quickly, leaving you bloated.Stay on your feet as much as possible to keep things moving before you fall asleep.

So let us discuss the possible remedies for such a bloated belly:

1- Probiotics:

“Good bacteria” called probiotics act like friendly gut bugs in your digestive tract, killing off bad bacteria that can trigger digestive issues and reactions. You can take probiotics supplements, but acquiring them from natural probiotic foods like yogurt.

2- Increase  your fluid intake:

When it comes to fighting constipation, eight glasses of fluid a day can help by flushing waste out of your system and reducing water retention.

3- Herbs, spices and teas:

Natural digestion-soothing herbs like ginger, aloe Vera and fennel have been used to calm an uncomfortable belly. Many herbs act like diuretics and help the body release extra fluid, while some, like ginger, can also help the stomach release its contents which relieves constipation.

4- Eat early to avoid heartburn:

Acid reflux tends to strike at night when you’re lying down, so avoid eating later than 8pm. Try sleeping with an extra pillow to help reduce the backflow of acid.

And finally try to learn your triggers! Knowing what sets off your tummy flare-ups can help reduce their frequency.

PhD of Biochemistry – German University in Cairo

Healthcare Nutritionist – American University in Cairo

Nutrition Consultant at in shape clinc 



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