Monday, March 10, 2025

Are you a tough-minded or a tender-minded person?

Must read

By Amira Elhamy

Life is a series of  steps , by which you choose to  accomplish success or surrender to defeats and obstacles.

Psychologists highlight the  difference between  two  important terms; which are, tough-minded and tender-minded. According to William James , the famous philosopher-psychologist, the world is  made up of two kinds of people “the tough-minded”  and the “tender-minded”.

Tender-minded are the ones who wilt under obstacles and difficulties; they are cut to the quick by criticism and lose heart; they constantly wine and usually fail.

On the contrary, the tough minded individuals,  are people from all walks of life, the manual workers, merchants, mothers, fathers, teachers, old and young people too. Their main characteristic is that they have an element of toughness built into them; they have the power to stand up and face difficulties and life obstacles.

The father of positive thinking, Norman Vincent, wrote a story in his book, “The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking”, that reflect the toughness of a tough minded young man.

“Jim Mackey, was a real man and  one of the truly tough minded people in this world”; wrote Norman Vincent.

He was a natural born athlete and one of the very best; but early in his high school career he started to limp and soon it developed that he had cancer.

He actually had an operation and his leg was amputated.

Soon , he went to meet the coach of his football team and asked him to be one of the team managers; he did a great job and he was infusing the team with his power and enthusiasm ;within six weeks he had another examination but his parents did not tell him the examination results which indicated that he had a lung cancer.

He decided to go back to the team and he was able to record the victory of one of the main football team in Camel town in New York. After his success he was hospitalized and after a few weeks he passed away. In fact Jim had known all along about his death- sentence; but he was the perfect example of a tough- minded person who was able to take it. Some people might say but he died anyways; positive thinking did not do him much.  However, this is not true, he refused to put his head in the sand and he was able to face his death after achieving major success; he actually chose success ! He chose not to be defeated ;  he took his life short as it was and used to create courage and faith.

This is actually how a tough-minded person is.

#Stay tuned to more success stories



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