Monday, March 17, 2025

Aim big & stay positive!

Must read

By Amira Elhamy

   At some point in your life you might find yourself facing one of the most difficult life challenges, which is being trapped in a negative energy bubble.

According to the world’s most famous book, Success through a positive mental attitude, you are what you think, and what you keep telling yourself is actually a reflection of what is going on in your subconscious  mind.

Some people may give up and experience the mental conflicts, but others may learn to use the powers of the subconscious through the conscious mind.

You can actually succeed to do that through using a positive mental attitude. The first rule in doing this step is applying accurate thinking, which is logic.

Its is recommended to act through logic in order to train the human mind to positive mental attitude (PMA).

The human being doesn’t act from reason only in fact; emotions play another important role in our actions as well.

Logic and emotions should be in balance in everyone’s life. Sometimes, we can act based on our emotions not reason and this is healthy as well.

Another important point, is to always evaluate our actions before blaming others around us.

What can affect our actions as well is the use of words; through one word we can motivate others to act; the same applies to ourselves. We should always be keen to stay positive in our own pattern of thoughts in order to motivate ourselves. For example, the word “you can”; if you say it to a friend it is a suggestion to motivate him or her.

When you say “I can” it is a motivation to success through self-suggestion; hence it is very important to even tell ourselves words that empowers; it send positive signals to the human mind.

Another significant aspect of success is faith; having strong religious beliefs always empower the human mind to positive mental attitude.

In his book “The Power of Positive Thinking”, the famous writer Norman Vincent points out the importance of faith in having a positive mental attitude.

If the human mind is trained to the previous principles, it will be able to overcome the negative thinking patterns that we might fall in its trap in our life journey.

Let us take the example of Lee Braxton as an example; he was the son of a struggling blacksmith; he was the tenth child in a family of twelve; he was struggling with poverty since he was very young. He started his career delivering groceries and selling newspapers. He worked as a mechanic and then got married, however he was still struggling with poverty.

He was actually a man of character, who had strong religious beliefs; he lost his job and he was unable to meet his payments. He was searching for financial success; he started to search inside first. He believed there was something he had to do in his way of thinking, which is believing in his abilities and believing that “he can”.

He started to look for a job and found one, but he was not paid much. After many years, Lee became the president of the first national bank of Whiteville; he was elected as the mayor of his city. The trick in this story is that Lee has aimed high; he set a goal, which is becoming rich, and used his positive mental attitude in order to fulfill this goal.

Fighting negative mental attitude actually need persistence and a strong will in order to be able to get rid of the negative thought that can hinder self discovery and self enjoyment.

Stay tuned to more success principles.



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