Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Success principles to change your World

Must read

By Mahmoud fouda

In light of our continued Series of PMA (Positive Mental Attitude), from our previous issue, we now know that Positive Mental Attitude is the foundation for Success, yet, PMA is one of 17 success principles. When you begin to apply a combination of these principles with PMA in your chosen occupation or to a solution of your personal problems then you are on the right track and headed in the right direction towards getting what you want.

To achieve anything worthwhile in life, it is imperative that you apply PMA, regardless of what other Success principles you employ. PMA is the catalyst and main ingredient, which makes any combination of Success principles work to attain a worthwhile end. It is NMA Negative Mental Attitude, combined with some of the same principles, that is the catalyst, which results in crime, grief, disaster, tragedy, sin and death as some of its rewards. For many years… lectures, courses and instructed classes were conducted over these principles. These 17 principles are:

  1. A Positive Mental Attitude -the Main ingredient.
  2. Definiteness of purpose -define your aim and put it ahead of you.
  3. Going the extra mile -put the needed effort & More than others to achieve your aim.
  4. Accurate thinking -listen to the right sources, and be objective in sorting out facts & challenges to reach your aim.
  5. Self-discipline -train yourself to be stronger and overcome your weaknesses.
  6. The master mind -Control, Plan and direct towards your Aim.
  7. Applied faith -have faith in God, for within his guidance your steps will be fruitful.
  8. A pleasing personality -be open within your cultural limits, and have a smile and a pleasing character.
  9. Personal initiative -overcome barriers and set backs by persistence and action.
  10. Enthusiasm -have a strong interest and enjoy your road to achieving your aim.
  11. Controlled attention -concentrate on your aim, and regularly evaluate how far you are from reaching it.
  12. Teamwork -learn to acquire needed skills to achieve your aim, and teach them to join your aim by enjoying the road to its achievement.
  13. Learning from defeat -know that Scientists never achieved an invention without trial and error and most importantly was learning from their mistakes.
  14. Creative vision -use your imagination to reveal your hidden talisman and abilities.
  15. Budgeting time and money –manage your cash and your schedule regardless of how small your budget is, some businessmen worth millions realise suddenly that they are bankrupt due to miss-management.
  16. Maintaining sound physical and mental health -have a set time for a sport, time with your family and yourself and remember that you need to enjoy the road towards your aim and be able to reach it & enjoy its returns.
  17. Using cosmic habit force -Napolean Hill’s universal law that concludes if you are positive towards achieving your aim you will attract the positivity in the Universe working as your aid, it is said to be an irresistible power towards success.

These 17 success principles were extracted from the lifetime experiences of hundreds of the most Successful persons our world has known over the past century. As long as you live, from this day forward, you can analyse your every Success and every failure-that is, if you imprint these 17 principles indelibly in your memory. In the future, you could analyse both your successes and failures, using the 17 principles as a measuring device, and soon you will be able to point your finger on what has been holding you back, and what has been leading you ahead. Remember– your world will change whether or not you choose to change it. But you have the power to choose its direction. You can select your own targets.




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