Saturday, March 29, 2025

Famous FM Radio presenter Mohamed Swelam shares his secret of success to MEO readers “Be Persistent and work hard to achieve your dream”

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How did you start your career in media?

There is no doubt that the media field is a very competitive field. After my graduation I joined for two years, the media field at the Egyptian television, and I need to mention that I learned a lot from this experience. I was young and at the beginning of my career I had no connections in the field; I could not continue after the two years and I started to work in the marketing and advertising field, I even travelled to Saudi Arabia for work and I stayed there for one year. I also worked as an account manager for three years, in a big advertising agency, and I really enjoyed this experience. I also worked in the sales field in a well known company and I left it before the January 25th Egyptian revolution. After the revolution it was extremely hard to find a job; I took a decision to fly to Dubai, though I never intended to live in another country, while I was there I was only thinking about Egypt, though Dubai is a country that is full of opportunities; however, I was thinking to go back to Cairo. Nevertheless I got an attractive job offer in Dubai, I called an old friend of mine in Egypt, Tamer Shaltout, who works in the media field, and asked him if there were any vacancies in Radio FM. I was lucky enough that there were vacancies in MEGA FM at that time. Without thinking I retuned to Cairo, and took the risk to be accepted or not in a field I always wanted to be part of. I went for the voice casting, and I got accepted for the drive home show and I started my job in MEGA FM in 2013.

What is the main tip for your success in facing challenges ?

My tip for success is facing challenges with persistence; in other words it was never easy to leave a job that pays me very well and follow my dream in the media world! Though, I was well paid in the marketing and advertising field; however, money was never a priority for me; my main goal was always to work in the field I have passion for. I believe passion is the key to success in life.

Furthermore, I met a lot of people who advised me to stay in a secured profession that brings along financial stability and I had family members and even friends who totally found that my decisions were wrong, however my passion was much bigger to put its flame down.

Youth in Egypt are faced with various challenges nowadays, in your opinion, how can they face those challenges and overcome the difficulties they face in many fields?

Well, let me say it out loud and clear that no matter the difficulties that face any person, he or she has only two options, either to face it or run away from it and put the blame on the circumstances or on other people.

No matter what the challenges are, I think youth need to face it; they need to have more determination and persistence and be more proactive to work hard; each person needs to work hard in his or her professional field and take a more proactive role in facing their problems. Let me mention an example, the Egyptian solider in the Egyptian army, is faced everyday with the most extreme challenge which is death! I think this is the hardest challenge one can face in life!


Each and every citizen needs to start with himself/herself, and have more determination to face Egypt’s main challenges. For example, if we say that Egypt’s main challenge is rooted corruption, we could start by ourselves, each and every person must stop giving bribes. Problems will not be fixed if we did not fix our attitudes towards how to find solutions, are we going to be active and proactive or are we going to be passive and submissive to tough circumstances, it is actually our choice!

What is the main story that has driven and inspired you since you were young and you consider it a story of success?

Well the story behind the famous movie Rocky by Sylvester Stallone, which he wrote and acted. This story did really inspire me; as Stallone wrote this movie when he was in real tough circumstances, it was his first role; he was in his 20s. He tried many times to convince American producers to produce this movie and he was determined to act the main role; almost everyone he met told him that he is not a good actor!! and he needs to forget about this story. However, he did not quit, he was persistent enough to follow his dream though he did not have a penny in his pocket. He actually did it and this movie was nominated for best actor, best script, best soundtrack plus two other Oscar nominations.

His determination and persistence drove him to be the famous Sylvester Stallone. Hope, determination and loyalty are the main three key messages I learned from this story.

What are the main success tips you give to youth?

Well, my main tips are; never leave anyone to judge you or confine you by their perception, that “you cant attain something”, or “you are not qualified enough ”; no one should ever leave those words to defeat him/her. If you don’t believe in yourself, simply no one will believe in you, and let me tell you that at the beginning of my career some people told me I am not qualified to be a radio presenter! If I believed them years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to work for 6 years in Radio FM and present various morning and night shows.

My second advice is to be grateful, be grateful to any person who helped you in your path; gratefulness is a key aspect in one’s life. If my friend Tamer Shaltut did not help me at the beginning of my career in media, I wouldn’t have reached the position I have nowadays. I have to say that I am really grateful to him. Also, Wesam Wagdi believed in me and supported me a lot.

My third advice, never leave your passion fly away; follow each and every step that will lead you to what you have passion for; no matter what people tell you, if you believe in something go for it and work hard to achieve your dream.


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