Home Middle East Egypt Examining the Egyptian cultural scene with Dr. Hisham Azmi

Examining the Egyptian cultural scene with Dr. Hisham Azmi


MEO had the pleasure to interview, Dr. Hisham Azmi Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Culture, to address major key points related to the Egyptian Cultural Scene.

Please tell us about your career path?

Well, I received my BA from the faculty of Arts Cairo university; following I travelled to the UK to receive my MA; my next destination was the United States, where I received My PHD.

I was in charge of various positions inside and outside Egypt, in the field of communication.

My specialization is information science, media documentation and information system for broadcast.

I was the head of Library, Archives and Information Science Department, Cairo university. In 2018 I joined the Egyptian Ministry of Culture; I worked as the head of the National Library and Archive. In April 2019, I was appointed as the Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Culture.

How do you see the cultural scene in Egypt nowadays and the various changes it witnessed for the past 10 years?

Well, let me tell you that the various turbulent political circumstances that Egypt went through in 2011, left a tremendous effect on the cultural scene.

I believe that the cultural scene is divided into two main subdivisions; the first subdivision is related to the mindset of the people, how cultured they are and how refined they behave; and let me tell you that in order to reshape these critical areas, there must be strong coopetition between various state entities, as the ministry of culture, various national media entities, ministry of youth and sports, Egyptian endowments ministry general bureau, Al Azhar and Egyptian Churches.

The second subdivision of the cultural scene is the cultural production; how good is the cultural production presented to Egyptian viewers, how refined is theatrical productions, cinema and movie production, opera shows , and book industry etc.

From my point of view, I believe that the past 3 years have witnessed an active cultural scene; even during the Covid 19 pandemic, the ministry of culture was a lucky ministry! It did succeed to keep viewers and audience engaged through online performances. The ministry established an initiative “Khalek fel beit El Thakafa ben Eideik”; through which we did succeed to do various cultural performance virtually and it was a big success.

However, let me clarify an important point, the effect of a refined cultural scene cannot be measured instantly! It is easy to measure the quantitative part, like how many viewers attend opera shows! However, it is much difficult, to measure the effect of classical musical shows on people! It takes years to know! The quality of cultural production definitely effect the taste of people.

The ministry of culture is keeping its effort going; one of our upcoming projects, is mobile theatres  that would visits various Egyptian governorates. Years ago we used to have mobile libraries; nowadays we are planning to have mobile theaters. The message behind this initiative is to reach all social Egyptian clusters; cultural performances are not tailored for A class only! On the contrary we need to reach all Egyptians social levels!

And generally speaking, online broadcast will definitely increase the reach and will create more effect.

Some producers or musicians who present poor music and movie productions along with poor taste have this common statement “This is what the audience want to hear or see”? what do you think?

Well, I do believe that tastes are distinct; however, there were a couple of hit productions that actually proved the opposite. The soap opera “Al Ekhteyar”, who reached a high viewership last Ramadan; and the Egyptian movie “El Mamar”; as well prove that this assumption is wrong!

In the 40s, 50s, and 60s we had an extremely rich cultural scene, the number and the beauty of movie stars was unbelievable! Same case for singers, Oum Khalthoum, Abdel Halim, Abdel Wahab etc..

I believe that the cultural scene is a mirror reflection of the society.

Nowadays, Egypt surpassed 100 million citizens! For sure this high density affected every aspect in the country! And if we want  the refined cultural scene to have a strong effect on audience mindset , we actually need to exert double the effort! We need sustainability as well and we need to reach various clusters in order to be able to create a good measurable effect and see a difference in the Egyptian mindset! This takes years, I believe. However, as I said, this is not the role of the Ministry of Culture solely! No, there must be strong cooptation and communication between various state entities.

Highlighting the major role that the Egyptian media should play, I would say that Egyptians do not go to the opera, or movie theaters every day! However they almost watch TV everyday.

Well researched, valuable TV content must be presented to the audience. I do believe that Egyptian media platform need more qualified figures! Who can properly speak to the audience, This is a must, if we want to see a difference.

Specifically speaking about, the Supreme Council of Culture, please tell us about its latest achievements and its contribution to better the cultural/artistic scene in Egypt?

First and foremost, we did a restructuring for the cultural committees of the council. Currently, we have 24 committees in various disciplines  under the umbrella of 3 main domains: Literature, art and social sciences. Almost for the last 40 years, there wasn’t any kind of restructuring that took place! We held various meetings and decided to do a restructuring, some committees were removed and some were merged. This was a must. And we created almost 7 new committees, one of which were the committee of opposing terror and extremism; as well a new committee for digital culture, and intellectual property, under the umbrella of new policies and cultural development.  The change wasn’t an easy process, as many members were opposing the change! This was quite an achievement.  As well, the Supreme Council held almost 5 meetings in one year, usually it used to be held once a year to announce winners of state awards ! Add to it, the ongoing effort, of the online broadcasting of the council during the Covid 19 pandemic. As well, the council is holding a new initiarive under the name “Romouze” meaning figures; we will be holding consecutive cultural nights where a famous public figure  will be invited with 3 moderators to discuss key topics.  Our coming guest is Dr. mostafa el Feky. It is important to present how those figures and role models reached success! It is important for youth to listen to them.

Related to online cultural content, are there any new upcoming projects?

Well, we are holding a new project fully sponsored by the Ministry of communication, and technology , we will be announcing its details very soon.

Tell us more about the libraries of the Ministry of culture?

Well we have many libraries, The National Library, Library of the National Council for Culture Child; we also have the library of the Supreme Council of Culture, and we have many publications and we display  our books in multiple book fairs.

Please tell us about the most recent big project of the Supreme council of culture, which is the  State Prize for the young innovator?

Under the supervision of the first Lady Intisar El Sisi,  the  State Prize for the young innovator is tailored for talented youngsters from age of 5 till 18, divided to two main divisions, from 5 till 12 and from 12 to 18,  in 3 main fields, literature, arts and scientific creations.

Under each fields we have subdivisions that will be alternating every year. For this year 2021, under the literature we have poetry, novel writing and play writing, in art, we have drawing, music playing and singing. In scientific creation, we have web design, and scientific inventions, (individually or team work). Which make the total of the winners along the subdivisions for the 2 age categories 16 young innovators.

It is a state prize, which indicates its sustainability every year and it indicates the commitment of the state to give much attention to culture, art, and literature, and this will definitely help significantly to better the culture scene in Egypt. It will help to reshape the mindset here in Egypt regarding the importance of art and culture; our target is not only the young, but parents as well.

And let me tell you that in two days we reached 1,500 million followers on the facebook page of the young innovator; our target is 2 millions followers.