Sunday, March 9, 2025

Could internal tourism give a temporary boost?

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Following the Russian metro jet accident, several countries banned its regular flights to Egypt. Leading to a further decline in number of tourists visiting Egypt. There is no doubt that the tourism sector in Egypt has recently witnessed a boom of internal tourism, yet experts state that foreign currency earnings from tourism remain the dominant factor in restoring the balance for tourism development and economic prosperity.

Internal tourism has witnessed a boost, as many hotels announced attractive packages and offers, specifically in the red sea; furthermore Egyptians are becoming more aware of the beautiful destinations in their countries that are really worth to be seen as well as the lavish 5 star hotels that are unique in their quality that has led to a sustainable growth in internal tourism. Internal tourism, is mainly seasonal, it reaches its highest peak in feasts and national holidays. According to tourism experts, several hotels in the Red Sea and Alexandria witnessed high occupancy rates during “Al Adha feast” to the extent that several hotels in Cairo, Aswan, Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh were fully occupied.

Ihab Sebei, Director of Revenues Management, in Sheraton Montazah, states that occupancy rates in Al-Adha feast witnessed a significant boost; occupancy rate was 92%; hotel guests were mainly Egyptians, however, there were also guests from Belgium, England and Saudi Arabia. Manal Ishak, Public Relations Manager, Sheraton Miramar El Gouna, informed MEO that occupancy rate of the hotel was 100% during Adha vacation; guests were mainly Egyptians, there was a small number of tourists. Ishak, indicated that the tourism sector cannot really depend only on internal tourism revenues, as it is very seasonal. She also added that the Egyptian economy is in need for foreign currency.

In Cairo the Intercontinental Hotel, which is a landmark in Tahrir square reflected full occupancy over Al-Adha break, mainly Egyptians and Arab tourists. As for the red sea Nannys Hwaidak, owner and Hotel Manager of Jasmine Palace in Hurghada, stated that hotel occupancy rates ranged from 95% to 98%, during Adha feast; as for the average occupancy rates in hurghada, it ranged from 25% to 40%. Although El-Gouna resort reflected a much higher occupancy. Huwaidak stated that hotel guests were mainly, Egyptians; however there were other nationalities mainly Germans, British and Ukraine. Nannys added, that the tourism sector in Egypt, cannot depend, solely on internal tourism; as it is very seasonal; Easter, feasts, and national holidays are mainly the seasons that witness a boost in the number of Egyptian guests; “Egyptians mainly travel to the Red Sea in July, August and September. Starting October, tourists start to fly to the Red sea”, said Nannys. She also added that German tourists represent a considerable bulk of tourists visiting Egypt; they represent 60% of tourists flying to Hurghada and Sharm El Sheik.

It should be noted that German flights are excepted to be back soon to the Red Sea; there is a high possibility it will be resumed starting the winter season, which begins in October, a source in Lufthansa previously informed MEO.  Which comes along with an announcement that the Russian flights will resume as well in October.

In a nutshell internal tourism can sustain and temporally boost the Egyptian tourism sector specially with the new class of Egyptian tourists who are increasingly enjoying the lavish life and offers presented buy hotels yet the dilemma remains within the foreign currencies a matter that will probably lead to a 60 per cent increase in tourism once the Russian and German flights are back on track.



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