Monday, March 31, 2025

1000 factories for a start with more focus on SMEs

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By Mahmoud Hammad

Ministry of Industrial Development set out to remove all hindrances

Dr Hisham Kamal, Head of Small Business Investor Association in New Cairo, said that the government is exerting remarkable efforts to operate the 1000 factory project. He noted that a delegation, representing the association, met with the minister of trade and industry, chairman of entrepreneurship and technical support unit, and manager of Licensing Department at Industrial Development Authority.

Talks tackled the major hindrances still tackling operating the industrial zone, Kamal said to “Middle East Observer”, adding that such include shortage in services, old infrastructure and bureaucracy.

Among the most important issues discussed, as well, are civil security measures, with its cost and requirements beyond what  small-sized projects can afford. Kamal added that the 3 officials, with whom the association convened, pledged that different activities in the zone will always be on their agenda. He mentioned that the ministry of trade and industry is aware of problems faced by the project and seeks solutions, concerning which the association’s delegation presented several propositions.

The delegation discussed the importance of using a basement as an operating theatre; examine environmental studies, take into consideration the overlapping procedures , and authorizing the approval as a substitute of operating licenses. That is all based on which of them could the Central Bank of Egypt grant funds, with the 5 per cent decreasing interest rate.

Kamal assured that the association called to ease and simplify loan procedures, re-assess the allocated power capacity to factories and their pricing, establish fire stations and related facilities, as well as provide buses to Shubra El-Kheima, Munib and Abbasia.

The delegation requested, as well, accomplishing streets lighting, pave main roads, entrances, exits, and allow free passage in and out of Ain Sukhna’s Gate. It noted, as well, the need to fix damages caused to roads by cement mixers, start offering entertaining services -like cafes and restaurants- at affordable prices, provide technical support to investors –ones who wish to operate factories, but lack experience. Last but not least, give bonuses to initiatives and committed manufacturers.

During the meeting,attendees stressed out on the need for officials and investors to realize the vitaliy of cooperatig and prove a firm will to get done with all procedures soon. This must be met, on the other hand, with tangible steps by investors to start operations and fruitful production.

The minister of industry implied its vast interest in the industrial zone, directing the association to cooperate and work hard to facilitate necessary procedures to launch developments. He noted that officials, including his consultant, will follow-up on the work’s pace daily, to ensure all problems are resoluted.

Moreover, it was agreed to hold a conference, under the direct auspices of ministry of industry and trade, and a workshop on the project’s financial and technical support, by the end of this month. A number of officials are expected to attend, as final solutions for the challenges must be found, for discussion on relevant authorities’ roles in operating the factories to take place.

This project was supposed to be launched last October, under the auspices of President El-Sisi, with the 1st phase including 440 factories valued at EGP 4bn. But, the project was suspended due to some stumbling blocks.

The 1000 factory project, which is expected to kick off on March 30th, is located in New Cairo, and comprises small and medium-sized projects.


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