Friday, March 28, 2025

Granting special allowance to government employees

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President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi issued a Republican Decree Law No. 99 of 2015 granting special allowance to employees who are not included in the state civil service law.

The decree law, published by the Official Newspaper on the granting of all state employees is the granting of the Civil Service Law of the decision-Law No. 18 of 2015 as of July 2015 as well as a special monthly (10 per cent) of base pay for each of them at 30-6 – 2015 or starting from appointment date for those who were appointed after this date without a minimum or a maximum rate, and this allowance is part of the basic wage for the employees.

The Decree states in Article II that meant state employees in the application of the provisions of this law, permanent employees and temporary  ones with comprehensive rewards and persons with public office  and with fixed wage within the Arab Republic of Egypt. The not referred to persons for the Civil Service Act , as well as state  employees whom their affairs are organised  by laws or special regulations.  The decree states the law in the third article that it is not permissible to combine the special allowance provided for in this law, and the increase which  is determined as of July 2015 in the pension due to the same employee, and taking into consideration the following:

1. If the employee who is less than the prescribed age of separation age deserved special allowance, if this allowance is less than the increase in retirement pension increased by the difference between them.

 2. If the employee has reached the legal age of termination, deserved increase in the pension, if the increase in the pension is less than the allowance he should take the difference between the two from the entity he works for.


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