Saturday, February 22, 2025


Must read

Terrorism has become a commercial flourishing business financed by beneficiary states to serve long term strategic goals.

The upcoming generations are targeted, and terrorism these days cuts across nations boundaries, and no nationality is excluded from recruitment of future terrorists The upcoming generation are targeted, and terrorism these days cuts across nations boundaries, and no nationality is excluded from recruitment of future terrorists

Super Powers, as well as tiny poor nations are threatened by acts of terrorism, the new foreseen victim of terrorist threats is Asia, as Ayman Al Zawahry, Al Qaeda leader just announced the inauguration of Al Qaeda branch in South Asia .   Accordingly, India announced stepping up security measures in the Indian states of the Gogarat , Madya, Pradish, Otar  Pradish, and Bahar.

Al Zawahry further said that he aims to activate Al Qaeda in Burma, Bangladesh and some Indian areas inhabited by large numbers of Moslems. Al Qaeda leader mentioned that he seeks to raise the banner of Jihad, and restore Islamic rule in the Asian Continent.

I join the spokesperson of Bahartia Ganata party his concern that Al Zawahry’s recent decisions as clarified in his announcements are serious, and dangerous.

I disagree with statesmen and officials who take Al Zawahry words lightly, and I don’t think that establishing a branch for Al Qaeda in Burma, or Bangladesh is a far fetched idea,  that is hard to materialize .   I support the Indian analyst Agee Sahany’s  view that Al Qaeda seeks to emphasize its legitimacy in the eyes of radical Islamists and I suppose they found a spot in Asia to emerge from.

Thus, I dare say that bullets of international terrorism do not only scare Arab countries public opinion, but its gradually becoming a worldwide phobia . Everyday a new area falls within the scope of such terrorism, and winds of evil do travel fast, and I have concerns that soon they will reach Moscow and Beijing.

Genuine Moslems are by no means confused, about the origins and true nature of such terrorist movements, and are positive that such movements are in no way whatsoever related to the Merciful nature of the holy Islam.

However, they are worried about the image of Islam in the eyes of those who only hear about Islam in relation to extremists, radicalism, and terrorists, thus should work hard to step up their efforts to explain the true essence of a religion that came to the world to spread mercy, kindness, love, and good deeds .


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