Saturday, February 22, 2025


Must read

It seems clear that arms trade this year has become even more important  than wheat trade and that demand for guns in the third world is  exceeding demand for bread. As for missiles trade, this is the fashion  in this arms saturated region.  .

I can see that the competition currently on going between world super  powers over who is to produce the most destructive arms is being  closely monitored by the third developing world that is watching  the competition eagerly, as if it can spare to switch from importing basic  food items from rice, com, and baby milk powder to importing arms… As  if in a state of trance third world countries are not only proceeding  towards more blood shed, they are leaping towards bankruptcy, poverty,  and famines, nevertheless, are eyeing the latest arms technology and  willing to trade bread for arms .   

One of the most painful news that I recently came across is the following news published by the Stockholm International Instituted for  Peace Research. Russia ranked first on the list of countries exploiting arms  in 2013, with a total exports of 8.3 billion dollars, and came third in military spending. In the meantime USA military spending reached 3.8 per  cent of its GDP.  Russia allocated 700 billion dollars to modernising its military arsenal  until  2020.  My interpretation for the current arms trade strategy is that the super powers whose breakfast includes butter and jam have planned to continue  to deplete the poor developing nations whose hungry populations aspire  to have bread on their tables for breakfast. The upcoming period until  2020, will witness further arms deals that will leave third world  countries budgets gasping for aid, and loans to purchase even more arms.  

The super powers, who by now professional arms dealers will continue  to ignite wars aiming to divide third world countries into even  smaller conflicting states: which echoes poverty and depletion of  resources. This current phase of economic depletion of resources, and       rise in regional conflicts can only lead to the third world war and only  then the jam and butter will mix with the blood stained bread, and  will no longer taste the same. 


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