Thursday, March 27, 2025


Must read

The most crucial issues in the middle east were discussed in a workshop organised by The National Centre for Middle East Studies. The workshop covered the recent developments in Iraq and neighbouring countries. The seriousness of the Iraqi situation emanates from the fact that it is all orchestrated by a super power and is part of a plan that is dragging the region towards an un-equitable war.   A war that seeks to manipulate the various religious affiliations and sects that have been for ages co-existing in the region. The transcendence of events in Iraq are the a unfolding of a more comprehensive plan to divide the region geographically.

One of the participants in the mentioned workshop said that Iraqi developments touch the core of Arab security, as currently issues that posed as serious threats 1400 years ago are being revived with the aim of shattering the middle east Into places.

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia under the circumstances called for the necessity of undertaking serious urgent measures to counteract the set destructive plans, and protect Saudi Arabia from possible terrorist attacks.

In brief there is a conspiracy, and the super powers behind it will not back off, a unless, the people of the region wake up and resist.

There is a need to protect borders, defend them fiercely, stand together united as a cohesive force, and totally put behind us civil strife in order to get through this crucial phase. Long live the Arab World.


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