Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Must read

Things are now getting more clearer in the global policy making as some parties that said to be allies to the US began to disagree with the Obama policy and internal conflict seems to take place between two camps inside the Obama administration. The first one is asking for an immediate pull out of the US forces from all flash points while the second prefers that the US forces to continue way against extremism.

A latest US report accused the Obama administration of being› responsible for buttressing Al Qaeda influence in more than Middle East country, especially Syria and Iraq.

Marina Ottawy, researcher in Woodrow Wilson International Centre  for Scholars in Washington, said Obama policies in the region helped strengthening the influence of extremist powers, citing the wide-scale attacks by AI Qaeda operatives in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon and the wave of violence triggered off by Islamists in Egypt since the ouster of Mohamed Morsi ! .

As a positive proof that the international stance towards Egypt is now getting more clearer, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier expressed strong desire to back Egypt, calling on the European Union to boost the Egyptian economy. Also, former German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle criticized Europe for abandoning its support of Egypt at this critical time.

I think that the US mistakes. have increased after Obama secured a second term in office as he began to fund with billions of dollars the conspiracies of. extremist powers to create chaos and tension in the Middle East, worrying the Congress, his allies and the American people. Thus Obama with the help of Israel became exposed at the international arena. This led to growing protests by Russia and China which fear of the US ambitions in the Arab wealth, especially the petroleum.

I think these protests by. US› allies could imbalance the US scenario in the region within the coming period, especially as some Arab Spring countries have begun to restore some of their balance in the Arab region and put under control chaos and sedition mongers and terrorist groups.

In Egypt, for example, the police and the army started to control sedition advocates and those sponsoring terrorism and chaos in a sign that signals the failure of the Obama administration and. the start of the Arab Spring countries to come out of the bottle’s neck.


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