Saturday, March 29, 2025


Must read

I am very amazed that the US is mulling appropriate ways to address the nuclear threat of North Korea and at the same time is heading for a military strike against Syria, which is accused of using chemical weapons.

And my question is what if the nuclear threat of North Korea coincided with the Syria attack.

What the US will do then? Is the US going to face two wars at the same time, one in Asia and the other in the Middle East?

US Secretary of state John Kerry still continues his diplomatic efforts to garner support for the military attack against Syria despite protests in 42 US cities against such an attack and the Congress’ division over it.

Around 26 congressmen agree to attack Syria while 182 are against and 226 remain undecided.  This all happens before the projected vote of the US Congress on the Syria attack and the release of the UN report on the use of chemical weapons in a village in Damascus.

So why Kerry is doing all these efforts ?

American and British Foreign Affaires Ministers during their Press conference in London- UK.

A South Korean government source said Seoul and Washington have mapped out a joint operational plan which outlines concrete measures to deter North Korea’s nuclear threats.

The map provides a nuclear umbrella for South Korea in case of North Korean nuclear provocations.

The US pentagon plan aims at reaffirming US commitment to protect its ally against North Korea’s nuclear threats.

Meanwhile, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani warned that the US will step into a minefield once it initiated an attack on Syria.

“Such crisis-making may be simple in the beginning, but it will have a very hellish ending for them (western countries)”,  Larijani said.

Syrian President Bashar Assad also warned that Syria is not the only player in the region and that there are many factions and parties involved.

This means there are many fears on Israel and the US fleets in the Middle East.

So I wonder whether North Korean President Kim Jong will take the advantage of the US preoccupation of the attack on Syria and makes his own move as did happen in the past during the Second World War between Japan and the US at pearl Harbor port.

We do have a proverb in Egypt and the Arab countries saying a jack of all trades, master of none.


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