Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Must read

The yellow Chinese dragon started to raise high its head beyond the great wall and surely is not wasting time to gain all tools to become a superpower after it succeeded in becoming the second biggest economy worldwide after the US and who knows, China may be surpass the US in the near future .

China’s wakeup might be attributed to the latest conflict in the Korean peninsula that was threatening a Third World War, a conflict that finally abated after US Secretary’s State John Kerry’s talks with China first then the Soviet Union.

The latest maritime conflict between Japan and its neighbors and ongoing clashes in the Mideast region are also behind China’s alert.

Newly-appointed Chinese president Xi Jinping proposed a four-point plan to achieve peace between the Palestinians and Israelis, a plan that will set up an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 boundaries.

China’s interest to dip a toe into the Mideast peacemaking process goes back to its huge trade with Israel, estimated at ten billion a year, and its good economic cooperation with the Arab boundaries as half of China’s oil imports come from Arab states.

As for Chinese military spending, it is put up at 135 to 215 billion dollars.

China fears repeated US accusations that is launching cyber-attacks on several US government websites, including that of the pentagon, while the US has worries over China’s withdraw of US dollars from its foreign exchange reserves and its start to invest in gold and euro instead.

It is clearly obvious that China has now a dream, a dream that was publicly uncovered by the new Chinese president as he referred to as “The Chinese Dream”.

It seems that China is worried over the growing US role in the Mideast region and its unacceptable interference in the Asian region as well .

These concerns might not make the yellow dragon continue to sleep within the boundaries of the great wall but might make it sleep in a fox-styled way with one eye closed and the other watching what is going on.

The question still remains Are China and the US on the threshold of a cold war or they have already entered the cold war?  Pentagon, while the US has worries over China’s withdraw of US dollars from its foreign exchange reserves and its start to invest in gold and euro instead.

It is clearly obvious that China has now a dream, a dream that was publicly uncovered by the new Chinese president as he referred to as “The Chinese Dream”. 

It seems that China is worried over the growing US role in the Mideast region and its unacceptable interference in the Asian region as well.

These concerns might not make the yellow dragon continue to sleep within the boundaries of the great wall but might make it sleep in a fox-styled way with one eye closed and the other watching what is going on.

The question still remains Are China and the US on the threshold of a cold war or they have already entered the cold war?


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