Wednesday, March 12, 2025

19/04/2017 Tenders

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Banking, Insurance and Finance

Client : Faisal Islamic Bank

Address : P.O.Box 2446 – Cairo branch

Tender : Invitation for submitting offers for new banking units at:

1) Greater Cairo & Lower Egypt: Mataria, New Semouha, Shoubrakheit, Mit Ghamr and Kafr Al Zayat

2) Upper Egypt : Kossia, Abu Tig, Gerga, Nagahammadi with following conditions:

1- To be at the ground floor in a modern building having all civil works, the height not less than 3.5m

2- To be in a main street

3- Having a share in land.

4- Dealing with the owner directly

Opening envelopes : Offers to be sent in a sealed envelope by mail not later than 25-4-2017


Water & Sanitation

Client : Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation – Mechanical and Electrical Department (MED)

Address : 3, Tafteesh El Ray St., Shoubra El Mazalat, Cairo, Egypt

Tel.: +2-22090794

Fax: +5-22090976


Tender : Invitation for prequalification financing No. EGT 0107 for the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage pumping stations project of “Aswan Pumping Stations”. The project will be in three lots:

1) Lot 1: “Kostol – Korta – Sibaaia pumping stations”.

2) Lot 2: “El-Kheirt Elolia – El-Kherit – El Sofla pumping stations”.

3) Lot 3: “Baira – Wadi Al-Arab pumping stations”.

Tender documents : Prequalification’s documents are available at US$300

Opening envelopes : Prequalification documents should be submitted by 7-6-2017


Entertainment, Media, Sports and Leisure

Client : Dar Al-Tahrir Organisation for Printing & Publishing

– Eastern Advertising Company

Address : 111-115 Ramses Street, Cairo

Tender : General tender for supply of inks for offset printing (4 colours) for commercial prints

Tender documents : EGP1,000

Opening envelopes : 23-4-2017 at 12:00 noon.


Entertainment, Media, Sports and Leisure

Client : Dar Al-Tahrir Organisation for Printing & Publishing

– Eastern Advertising Company

Address : 111-115 Ramses Street, Cairo

Tender : General tender for supply of web ink on hot & cooling solution

Tender documents : EGP1,000

Opening envelopes : 27-4-2017 at 12:00 noon.


Banking, Insurance and Finance

Client : National Bank of Egypt

Address :1187, Cornich El Nil Street, Cairo

Tender : General tender for supply of preparation of Tanta banking unit.

Tender documents : EGP2,000

A bid bond of EGP140,000 to be submitted

Opening envelopes : 29-4-2017 at 12:00 noon.


Entertainment, Media, Sports and Leisure

Client : Egyptian Radio and TV Union

Address : 4, Al Sherifeen Street, Cairo

Tender : Supply of reactivity services and SMS at all broadcasting networks

Tender documents : EGP500

Opening envelopes : 26-4-2017 at 12:00 noon.


Telecommunications, GiS & GPS

Client : Egyptian Company For Telecommunications for Information systems (XCEED)

Address : Technological area MB4 – Maadi

Tender : General tender for supply of telecommunication system at the company of one of the following kinds (Cisco – HP – Fortint -Jumiper Palo alto)

Tender documents : EGP4,000

A bid bond of EGP50,000 to be submitted

Opening envelopes : 24-4-2017


Water & Sanitation

Client : Al Nasr Company For Fertilizers & Chemical Industries

Address : Attaqa – Suez

Tender : General local tender No. 14/2016/2017 for the design, supply and erection of water treatment for bollers feeding

Tender documents : EGP6,650

– Tenders to be submitted in two envelopes (technical & financial)

A bid bond of EGP500,000 to be submitted

Opening envelopes : 23-4-2017 at 12:00 noon


Healthcare, Medical Equipment and Services

Client : Damietta University

Address : New Damietta City – Egypt

Tender : 1) General tender No. 15 for supply of medical apparatuses and equipment

Tender documents : EGP250

A bid bond of EGP2,200 to be submitted

Opening envelopes : 26-4-2017 at 12:00 noon

2) General tender No. 16 for supply of portable XRF analyzer for the faculty of literature

Tender documents : EGP300

A bid bond of EGP8,000 to be submitted

Opening envelopes : 28-4-2017 at 12:00 noon



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