Machinery & Equipments
Client : Cairo Airport Company
Address : Cairo Airport Road, Cairo
Tender : 1) Supply of equipment and tools
Tender documents : EGP500
A bid bond of EGP12,600 to be submitted
Opening envelopes : 12-3-2017
2) Supply of spare parts at air unit at passengers’ hall No. (3)
Tender documents : EGP100
A bid bond of EGP12,600 to be submitted
Opening envelopes : 13-3-2017
Architecture and Urban Development
Client : Ministry of Housing, Civils and New Communities
Agency of New Borg El Arab City
Address : New Borg El Arab City
Tender : The construction of an administrative and commercial market at the third district.
Tender documents : EGP500
Tenders to be submitted in two envelopes (technical & financial)
A bid bond of EGP70,600 to be submitted
– A pre-bid session will be on 5-3-2017
Opening envelopes : 19-3-2017 at 12:00 noon.
Water & Sanitation
Client : Ministry of Housing, Civils and New Communities
New Damietta City Agency
Address : New Damietta City
Tender : Renovation and rehabilitation of water line of asbestos diemnsion 500mm supplying the free zone at Damietta port to UPVC pipeline of 500mm dimension and 5500 M/T
Tender documents : EGP800
Tenders to be submitted in two envelopes (technical & financial)
A bid bond of EGP70,600 to be submitted
– A pre-bid session to be on 1-3-2017 at 12:00 noon
Opening envelopes : 15-3-2017 at 12:00 noon.
Client : El Nasr Salines Company
Address : 2, El Horeya Road – Alexandria
Tender : 1) Tender No. 1/2017 for the transportation of salt from Sabeca saline to Upper Egypt
Tender documents : EGP500
A bid bond of EGP50,600 to be submitted
Opening envelopes : 12-3-2017 at 12:00 noon.
2) Tender No. 2/2017 for the transportation of salt from Sabeca saline to Lower Egypt
Tender documents : EGP1,000
A bid bond of EGP90,600 to be submitted
Opening envelopes : 13-3-2017 at 12:00 noon.
Architecture and Urban Development
Client : EgyptAir
Address : Airport Road – Cairo, Egypt
Tender : General tender No. 11/2016/2017 for the development and rehabilitation of walls of EgyptAir training centre.
Tender documents : EGP500
Tenders to be submitted in two envelopes (technical & financial)
A bid bond of EGP30,600 to be submitted
Opening envelopes : 29-3-2017 at 12:00 noon.
Information Technology
Client : Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Address : Smart Village
KM 28,5 Cairo/Alex Desert Road
Tender : Tender No. 22/2016/2017 for the supply of an information technology system of Akhbar El Youm issues by Akhbar El youm Organisation
Tender documents : EGP1,000
Opening envelopes : 7-3-2017 at 12:00 noon.
Architecture and Urban Development
Client : Misr Company for Real Estate
Address : 26, July Street – Cairo, Egypt
Tel : 02-25932447
Tender : General tender for the exeuction of construction works of housing commercial building over an area of 5800 m2, located at 352 Ahram Street, Giza, the building consists of a parking and (5) floors.
Tender documents : EGP5000
A bid bond of EGP300,600 to be submitted
Opening envelopes : 26-3-2017 at 12:00 noon.