19/01/2017 Tenders


Fire Alarm System


Owner               :     Alexandria University

Address             :     Saba Basha – Alexandria

Tender              :     General Tender for supply, erection of fire alarm system .

Tender Documents :     EGP 400

Bid Bond          :      EGP   40.000

Bid Opening    :      12-2-2017  .







Owner               :      Egyptian Company For Airports

Address             :      Airport Road / Cairo

Tender              :       General Tender No 15/2016/2017 for the supply of batteries for

                                   The year 2016 – 2017  .

Bid Opening    :       2-2-2017 .









                                                       Controlling System



Owner               :       General Authority for Red Sea Airport

Address             :       Port Tawfik – Suez

Tender              :        Supply and erection  cameras  controlling  system  at Safaga

                                    Airport .

Tender Documents :     EGP  200

Bid Bond          :        EGP 40.000

Bid Opening    :        26-1-2017 .




                                                       Medical Apparatuses


Owner               :      Menoufia University

Address            :      Shebin Elkoum – Menoufia Governorate

Tender              :      1) Supply of medical apparatuses for the medical administration

                                       At the university .

Tender Documents :     EGP 200

Bid Opening    :      30-1-2017

                                 2) Supply of (4) printing machines  for the university’s departments .

Bid Bond          :     EGP 7.000

Bid Opening    :     31-1-2017 .


                                         Fire System Equipment/Data  Show Devices


Owner           :     Banha University

Address        :     Banha – Egypt

Tender          :     General Tender No (30) for :

                              1-Supply of fire system equipment .

                                 Bid Bond   :     EGP 18.000

                                Bid Opening :  5-2-2017   ( at 12:00 noon )

                              2-Supply of 34 data show devices .

                                 Bid Bond       :   EGP  8.000

                                 Bid Opening :   6-2-2017     ( at 12:00 noon )

Tender Documents :   EGP 300     ( For each tender)                                                             






                                                              Computer Hall Furniture


Owner            :   Tanta University

Address          :   Tanta City

Tender            :   Supply of furniture of a computer hall at the universal city of Tanta

                             University .

Tender Documents :   EGP 150

Bid Bond         :  EGP 8.292

Bid Opening   :  6-2-2017      ( at  12:00 noon )


                                                                                                                                              Cleaning  Works                                                               


Owner         :     The Organisation Of New Communities

Address       :     New Damietta City  –  Egypt

Tender         :     General Tender for the supply of cleaning works of different areas

                            Around the port .

Tender Documents :     EGP 500

Bid Bond      :     EGP 75.000

Bid Opening:     14-2-2017       ( at 12:00 noon )

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -A discussion session will be held on 31-1-2017 at 12:00 noon .







                                                          Construction Project


Owner           :     Agency of 15 May City Development

Address         :     15 May City – Egypt

Tender           :     Construction Project including  (21) building units at social housing project

Tender Documents :   EGP 1.000

Bid Bond        :     EGP 750.000

Bid Opening  :     14-2-2017        ( at 12:00  noon )

                               -A discussion session will be held on 31-1-2017  at 12:00 noon .



                                                          Transportation Works


Owner        :   Tanta Company For Oils & Soap

Address      :   Tanta City  –   Egypt

Tender        :   General tender No 8/2016/2017 for the execution of transportation

                         Works  for raw oils to warehouses of the company .

Tender Documents :   EGP  1.000

Bid Bond     :   EGP  30.000

Bid Opening             :   15-2-2017 .





                                                         3000 Tons  Glycerin



Owner          :   Eastern Company

Address        :   6th October – Industrial Complex

Tender         :    Tender No 18/2016/2017 for the supply of 3000 tons Glycerin .

Tender Docs:   EGP 1.000

Bid Opening:   14-2-2017 .

