Monday, March 3, 2025

Must read

Main Subject in this week :

Education & Training

Agriculture, Water, Sanitation, Food & Beverage

Telecommunications & Information Technology

 Transportation, Fire Safety & Security

Industry, Energy & Environment

Paper, Packaging, Printing & Publishing


                                                  Education & Training

Client: Assuit University

Address: Assuit.

Caire office:10, Iran St., Dokki.

Tender Summary: General tender for supply of optical spectrometer for the Faculty of Science

Tender Docs: LE 299

Bid Bond: LE 10.000

Tender Deadline: 17-2-2025.


                                                    Education & Training

Client: Assuit University

Address: Assuit.

Cairo office: 10, Iran St., Dokki,

Tender Summary: General tender for the maintenance of the Central System of educational administration and exams.

Tender Docs: LE299

Bid Bond: LE15.000

Tender Deadline: 19-2-2025.


                      Agriculture, Water, Sanitation, Food & Beverage


Behaira Company of water & Sanitary Drainage at Damanhour, announces postponement of deadline of the general tender No (29) for supply of provided parts to be on 6/2/2025 instead of 22/1/2025 at noon.


                     Telecommunications & Information Technology


Address: Alshatby, Alexandria

Tender Summary: General bid No 1/2025 for a maintenance Contract for PCs HP Pro Desk 600 G4.

Tender Docs: LE 684.

Bid Bond: LE 50.000

Tender Deadlines: 5-2-2025.


                                                 Education & Training

Client: Menoufia University,

Address: Faculty of Engineering, Shebin ElKoum

Tender Summary: General tender for the maintenance of (2) college amphitheater at the Faculty of Engineering

Tender Docs: LE.299

Bid Bond LE 80.000

Tender Deadline: 16-2-2025.


                    Agriculture, Water, Sanitation, Food & Beverage

Client: The Company of Water & Sanitary Drainage at Gharbia.

Address: Tanta

Tender Summary: General tender. No (4) for supply of house connections of sanitary drainage networks at Meshla village, Kafr El-Dawar-

Tender Docs: LE 4.565

Bid Bond: LE 220.000

Tender Deadline: 19-2-2025.


                               Agriculture, Water, Sanitation, Food & Beverage

Client: The Company of water & Sanitary Drainage at Sharqia

Address: 29, Saad Zaghloul St.  Zagazig

Tender Summary: General tender No (38) for the rehabilitation and renovation of Abu Dekn (Ebrahimia) sanitary substation.

Tender Docs: LE 5.000

Bid Bond: LE 490.000

Tender Deadline: 17-2-2025


                      Agriculture, Water, Sanitation, Food & Beverage

Client: The Company of Water & Sanitary Drainage at Sharqia.

Address: 29, Saad Zaghloul St., Zagazig

Tender Summary: General tender No (39) for the rehabilitation and renovation of Ragheb (Abu Kebeir Branch) Sanitary substation,

Tender Docs: LE 7.000

Bid Bond: LE 800.000

Tender Deadline: 17-2-2025


                     Transportation, Fire Safety & Security

Client: Ministry of Finance

Address: Ramses St. extension, Ministry’s tower No (4), Cairo

Tender Summary: General tender No 2/2024/2025 for supply of cars batteries and tires

Tender Docs: LE 299

Bid Bond: -LE 10.000 (For batteries)

-LE 65.000 (For Tires)

Tender Deadline: 2-2-2025


                                  Industry, Energy & Environment

Client: National Authority for Tunnels

Address: New Administrative Capital.

Tender Summary: General tender for supply of maintenance works of air-conditioning machines at the Authority’s buildings at Ramses and Nasr City.

Tender Docs: LE 1.211

Bid Bond: LE 4.000

Tender Deadline: 30-1-2025.


                   Agriculture, Water, Sanitation, Food & Beverage

Client: Minya Water and Wastewater Company

Address: 26, Ard Sultan, Adnan Almaliky St., Menya

Tel/Fax: 086-2347445/2324097.


Tender Summary: Invitation for the project MN-SN-O/A for Rida village sewage

Network, pump station.

Tender Docs: LE 10.000

Bid Bond: LE 3.500.000

Tender Deadline: 10-3-2025.


                         Transportation, Fire Safety & Security

Client: Damietta Port Authority

Address: P.O.Box 13, Damietta

Tender Summary: General tender No 21/5/2024/2025 for supply, processing of ship movement management system at the Pilot Tower for ships.

Tender Docs: LE 10.000

Bid Bond: LE 17.500.000

Tender Deadline: 19-2-2025


                                          Education & Training
Client: Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute.
Address: El Tebbin – Helwan.
Tender Summary: General tender No 1/2025 for submission of specialized scientific & technological programs.
Tender Docs: LE 355.86
Bid Bond: LE 50-000
Tender Deadline: 5-2-2025

                                             Industry, Energy & Environment
Clients: Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute.
Address: Eltebbin – Helwan
Tender Summary: General tender No 2/2025 for supply, rehabilitation and renovation works of the electricity
substation of the Institute,
Tender Docs: LE 811-86
Bid Bond: LE 500.000
Tender Deadline: 13-2-2025


                             Paper, Packaging, Printing & Publishing

Client: National Authority for Egypt Railways
Address: Shoubra tunnel, Cairo
Tender Summary: General Internal tender for supply of printing paper for press Department.
Tender Docs: LE 1.500
Bid Bond: LE 150.000
Tender Deadline: 8-2-2025

                                            Industry, Energy & Environment

Client: Middle Egypt Mills Company
Address: Menea
Tender Summary: General tender No (23) for supply of electric motors with gear box
Tender Docs: LE 500
Bid Bond: 2% of offer
Tender Deadline 28-1-2023.


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