

Agriculture, Water, Sanitation, Food & Beverage

Client: Menya Water and Waste Water Company

Address: Ard Sultan, Menya


Fax: 0863347445

Tender Summary: Invitation for specialized Contracting Companies in water treatment plant projects, registered as first category in the Egyptian Federation for Construction and building contractors to participate in the public tender for FY 2024 for the project: MN-WT-01

Procurement of rehabilitation and upgrade of Ard Sultan WTP.

Tender Docs: LE.10.000

Bid Bond: LE 7.000.000

Tender Deadline: 23-2-2025.


Transportation, Fire Safety & Security

Client: South Sinai Governorate

Address: General Council, Tour Sinai

Tender Summary: General Tender No (1) for supply of Civil Safety machines and equipments.

Tender Docs: LE 350

Bid Bond: LE 100.000

Tender Deadline: 31-12-2024.

For more tenders please visit our website
