Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Secrets to Success

Must read

By Mahmoud fouda

Success through a positive mental attitude is the road to achieve your dreams. Inside each and every human being is an invisible talisman who directs your success, inner satisfaction, happiness and wealth, this talisman is your brain with the letters PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) emblazoned on one side and NMA (Negative Mental Attitude) on the other.

One side has the power to attract the good, while the other has the power to repel you and rob you of all that makes life worth living. You need not blame God, as his words inspire divine guidance throughout your life. By keeping your mind focused on your target, you develop the desire and need for its achievement. Have the courage to aim high and strive daily to keep your goal before you, and Learn to turn disadvantages into advantages as opportunities may come in disguise. Understand that those who made it from poverty to wealth did it by learning that the actual happiness is in enjoying the road to success, they learned the joy of work. Through this series of articles, we plan to take you into the world of achieving your dream and lessons learned.

Everyone has talents regardless of his dilemma, but God never leaves us stranded. If life hands us a problem, Solutions are within our abilities pending on how motivated we are to use them. Some see ill health as a pediment, others see handicap as an ultimate pediment towards achieving one’s dream.

 If this is true let’s look at a man like Milo C. Jones, Milo was a farmer from Wisconsin, who operated a small farm, although he worked hard he was unable to yield more than his bare necessities for himself and his family. Year after year, Milo grew older and one day Milo got struck with extensive paralysis and was confined to bed. His relatives and friends thought that this was the end of it and that Milo will live un-happy forever, specially that his paralysis was incurable.

 Milo needed to secure his family, he knew his body was paralyzed but his mind was unaffected, Milo then got to meet the most important person in his life his magic talisman and with PMA he saw clearly that he needed a plan to convert his creativity into reality, he then counted his blessings and discovered how thankful he should be to have his family around him, and that in these blessings lies his plan. So, he gathered his wife and kids and revealed his plan. “I am no longer able to work with my hands, so I decided to work with my mind. You will all take the place of my hands, and let’s plant every tillable acre of our farm in corn. Then let’s raise pigs and feed them the corn, and slaughter the pigs while they are young and tender and convert them into sausages. Then we can package them under a brand name. We’ll sell them in retail stores all over the country”, and then he laughed “They’ll sell like hot cakes”. And they did sell like hot cakes !

In a few years the brand name “Jones little Pig Sausages” became famous all over the nation, and Milo C. Jones lived to see himself a millionaire and became a happy man because he was useful.




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